Transit doctor Düsseldorf

Transit doctor Düsseldorf

Transit doctor (D-doctor) in Düsseldorf

As a transit doctor in Düsseldorf, we treat you for accidents at work, commuting accidents and school accidents, among other things.
If a transit doctor is required, please contact us at the Düsseldorf-Grafenberg site.

Transit doctor Düsseldorf

If you or your family members have suffered an accident at work, at school or on the way to work, you are entitled to fast, competent and medical treatment.

Our specialist surgeon Dr. Dr. med. Gernot Golla has the specialisation in trauma surgery and the additional qualification in hand surgery. He is licensed as a transit doctor in Düsseldorf by the employers’ liability insurance associations for the treatment of accidents at work, commuting accidents, school accidents and kindergarten accidents.

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Dr. Golla

What is a transit doctor?

A transit doctor, or “D-doctor”, is a specialist in surgery with a focus on accident surgery or a specialist in orthopaedics and accident surgery with an additional title of “special accident surgery”, who is authorized by the umbrella organization of the industrial trade associations and the public sector accident insurance institutions to treat accidents at work, on the way to and from work, as well as school and kindergarten accidents.

When do I have to see the D-doctor?

If you or one of your relatives have suffered an accident at work, on the way to or from school or kindergarten, the responsible body for the costs in this regard is not your statutory health insurance, but your competent employers’ liability insurance association or statutory accident insurance fund.

Even if the initial treatment was provided in a hospital or by a doctor in private practice, they must consult a specialist (D-doctor) approved by the Berufsgenossenschaft.

This ensures that they or their relatives receive the best possible treatment to enable them to return to their daily lives as quickly as possible.

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What characterises a transit doctor?

Transit doctors are specialists in orthopaedics and trauma surgery (with the additional title of “special trauma surgery”) or specialists in surgery with a focus on trauma surgery. In order to be allowed to treat such accidents, they need permission from the statutory accident insurers or professional associations.

What are the tasks of a D-doctor?

A D-doctor decides on the further treatment of the employee or the school or kindergarten child. He notifies the statutory accident insurance and also monitors the course of events if the employee or the school or kindergarten child receives further treatment by other doctors.

Can I go to any transit doctor?

Yes, you can go to any transit doctor you want. It does not automatically always have to be the D-doctor in the hospital.

What is understood as an occupational accident?

Any accident that occurs at work or on the way to work or on the way home from work. Also all school or kindergarten accidents.

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